Capsaicin Powder tested 17,000,000 Shu

Our Capsaicin Powder to Southwest Bio Labs in New Mexico for testing and the results were record breaking. 17 Million Scoville Heat Units was the final result. These flavorless and nearly odorless crystals are ideal for making your own pepper balls for self-defense or for spicing up foods. They also have applications in medicinal creams, industrial farming, pest control, and concentrated pepper sprays. At 17 million shu, our Capsaicin Crystals are typically used in very small quantities to achieve the desired heat level.
- Our Pure Capsaicin Crystals are free from fillers and additives, ensuring it contains no artificial colors, artificial flavors, or preservatives.
- By purchasing this product, you acknowledge you are at least 18 years old and that you understand the safety measures when working with our pure capsaicin crystals. This powder is extremely potent and should be handled with extreme caution. It’s important to follow all safety guidelines. This product is not intended for consumption or direct skin contact without proper dilution. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in serious injury or harm.
- We recently published an article outlining the decontamination protocol for pepper balls, which contains essential safety information. We encourage all our customers to take the time to read it.
By making this purchase you agree to the Product Waiver and Disclaimer and you accept full responsibility for the safe handling and use of this product.
For more information about the Scoville Scale or visit Scovillescale.org