Pepper Balls Decontamination Protocol (Capsaicin)
Since this weapon has been gaining popularity it’s important that everyone know the Pepper balls decontamination protocol. The active compounds in pepper spray are collectively known as capsaicinoids. They are given the military symbol OC, for “oleoresin capsicum”. The most important chemical in OC is capsaicin. This is derived from chili peppers in a chemical process that dissolves and concentrates it into a liquid. Capsaicin is the same compound that makes chilies hot, but in an intense, weaponized form. Not all capsaicinoids are obtained naturally. Nonivamide (also known as PAVA or pelargonic acid vanillylamide) is synthetically made by humans. PAVA is an organic irritant and will incapacitate an individual for up to 15 minutes. However, the influences of PAVA exposure are temporary with no permanent effects.
- Provide fresh air and cool, clean water
- Keep the individual calm
- Reassure individual that the effects are temporary
- Monitor for distress, coherence and respiration (excited delirium)
- If in doubt, summon medical aid (call 911)
- Use mist sprayer and wet vacuum for structures and vehicles
- Always leave notice of contamination at scene
- Use a sprayer and or wet vacuum
- Make sure to wet the filter and add approximately 1” of water to the bottom of the vacuum before use
- Mist the contaminated area with water. Pay special attention to cracks, corners and concealed areas
- A N95 or similar mask may be used after deployment ( you can buy n95 mask below)
- A mask utilizing a charcoal filter is the best option
- Consider carrying water and eyewash to decontaminate yourself and others

Sabre has a great guide to follow here if you get in contact with pepper spray.